I have been plagued with the daily grind of life. It has stopped me from writing and feeling like writing.
But then I read and find myself building up steam to write and have thoughts other then
what time do I have to this that and the other things in life.
I recently have read articles regarding moving forward. In one of the articles the writer quotes a man named Thomas Huxley saying "The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other one somewhat higher."
If there is one thing I have learned in these last few years is that we truly need to keep moving forward.
Whether it is in the hard times of life or the restful times.
If we sit back and wait for life to accommodate us then we will miss out in what life is doing.
The Lord is always moving.
It is up to us to move forward with Him , in search of Him and then we can know where to serve Him.
Take a leap of faith and move today.
You will be amazed and what is already going on around you.