2 Corinthians 4:15
It is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.
O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments and inscrutable his ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor? Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. (Romans 11:33–36)
I came across these verses while reading on a favorite site. May you be as encouraged as I was through the word of the Lord.
We have so much to be thankful for.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
A race run by one but finished by many.

A few weeks ago I ran a half marathon, 13.1 miles to be exact.
It was the Santa Clarita Valleys yearly race. Which consisted of a full marathon,half,5k, and a kids race.
Although the actual finishing of the race is a great accomplishment that's not why I boast.
I share this day in my life to point out that we can not go through life alone.
Lets go back to the beginning. Saturday morning coffee with two amazing friends turned quickly into a coaxing of running the race.
I didn't sleep much the night before. I tried, believe me I tried. But my mind got the better of me, racing with all the what ifs and what was I thinking saying yes to a half marathon.
Before I knew it I was awake and dressed and now driving with my still amazing friends to the starting line.
We met up with several other friends. All of who were very surprised to see me there.
The race began and off we went.
I was quickly left behind not by any ones intentions just by the mere fact they had all been training for this and I had not.
I didn't mind the solitude of being out on my own Leandra had programed her Ipod with my favorite tunes(3 hrs worth).
I was set , me, God , the Itunes and the hard pavement.....well the other racers were there too but I didn't see them.
I just kept going.
And then it happened......
I looked up and there was my friend taking pictures, encouraging me and readily granting my request of a mint.
I was so blessed by her face at that moment.
And it happened again but this time it was my family. Scott had all the kids up and somewhere on the trail with signs cheering me on. My breath was taken away not from exhaustion but from the joy I received from their faces.
I pressed on and by mile 7 I had done better on my time then I thought I could do.
Into mile 8-9 I found myself starving and oh so very alone. Not wanting to let anyone down I tried to stay focused. Let me tell you that was a breaking point for me. My legs hurt, my heart was pounding and I found myself praying to God.
He answered.
"He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord"Deut.8:3
Coming up on completing mile 9 I saw my wonderful husband with a power bar and the rest of my family and more friends. The very vision of all of them yelling with such excitement I knew I could to do it. Rounding into mile10 I could hear Luke yelling "its all down hill from here Mom you can do it see you at the finish line"
Running into the home stretch I really couldn't believe that I had ran 13.1 miles. Luke met me just before I turned into the finish line and told me " They're all there Mom, everyone is waiting to see you" That beautiful group of runners you see in the photo plus,two husbands,one boyfriend,one totally cool friend and seven children all there at the finish line.
So although I may have been the one hitting the pavement I surly did not run alone that day.
There is no way I could have done it without all of the support,coaxing,feeding and cheering.
So as stated before I do not boast for myself but I boast and cheer and brag for the most amazing group of friends and family. Way to go!
"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."Heb12:1
Friday, November 16, 2007
Bursting with Pride!!!!

This is my attempt to be as humble as possible.
Not really.
Brookelynn entered a contest called the "Art of Healing"
It is a community based contest for the elementary age children of the Santa Clarita Valley.
Her picture is titled "My flower garden" She was one out of 110 entries. Although she might not have won the grand prize.
She along with several other entries were honored last night. Brookelynn's quote for the event was this" I am so proud of myself"
As her parents and family members we too are very proud of her. Because not only was she honored last night. Her art work is going to be used for a first ever Saugus union school district paper. The super-intendent had called our schools principle to ask permission to use her work.
So it is with great joy that we present our little artist to all of you and hope that she and her art bring a smile to all of you today.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
There is power in words.
We all enjoy gifts of various kinds.
For some of us getting an expensive gift is the best thing ever. For others it's the homemade gifts that get us excited.
But for me it's the words. The words of life do so much for me.
The loud ones that speak hard and direct. You know the ones that sound like this:
"You hurt me", "No, you are wrong and you can't do it", " You are so stupid", " What were you thinking?", "You should have known better".
Those are the words that I wish I could erase from my own vocabulary.
Then there are the quiet words, they come more like this...
A friendly smile. A door held open. A hug. That certain look that says, "Good job". I know those are not spoken words, but the unspoken word is just as powerful.
And then my favorite words of all. They are words of encouragement. These are the ones that I have been working on incorporating into my vocabulary on a more consistent base.
Making quick to tell the ones around me good job.
"Thank you for helping."
"You are so important to me."
"I know that wasn't easy, but it was the right thing to do. I am so proud of you."
Using those silly nicknames more often.
These words are the ones filled with kind and gentle tones say so much to those we love. They say so much to anyone that we come in contact with.
There is power in words and if we understand the weight in which they carry, we wouldn't be so quick to give away the ones that break down the very heart of a person. But just maybe we would consider giving away the ones that build up and fill up a person instead.
"Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body,but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire." (James3:5-6)
For some of us getting an expensive gift is the best thing ever. For others it's the homemade gifts that get us excited.
But for me it's the words. The words of life do so much for me.
The loud ones that speak hard and direct. You know the ones that sound like this:
"You hurt me", "No, you are wrong and you can't do it", " You are so stupid", " What were you thinking?", "You should have known better".
Those are the words that I wish I could erase from my own vocabulary.
Then there are the quiet words, they come more like this...
A friendly smile. A door held open. A hug. That certain look that says, "Good job". I know those are not spoken words, but the unspoken word is just as powerful.
And then my favorite words of all. They are words of encouragement. These are the ones that I have been working on incorporating into my vocabulary on a more consistent base.
Making quick to tell the ones around me good job.
"Thank you for helping."
"You are so important to me."
"I know that wasn't easy, but it was the right thing to do. I am so proud of you."
Using those silly nicknames more often.
These words are the ones filled with kind and gentle tones say so much to those we love. They say so much to anyone that we come in contact with.
There is power in words and if we understand the weight in which they carry, we wouldn't be so quick to give away the ones that break down the very heart of a person. But just maybe we would consider giving away the ones that build up and fill up a person instead.
"Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body,but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire." (James3:5-6)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
See the world with new eyes.
I was sitting here watching the old T.V. show Little House on the Prairie. As it came on the oldest daughter Mary was being fitted for a pair of glasses. Through the art of television they showed here vision before the glasses and then after.
What I found so refreshing about this particular episode was how we choose to look at the world can make all the difference.
Mary found true pleasure in the crisp clean pictures of things she already had known. A flock of birds were exciting now. The color of the trees, the smile on her fathers face all seem to take her breath away.
Take a look around you today and see things you have always seen in a new light.
With gratefulness. The sun that warms your face. The breeze that might cause you to take an extra long breath.
Or the look of heart break in your child's eyes when they know they let you down. Take that moment to give grace.
Give them the same opportunity as Mary had before and after her glasses to see you in a new way.
One that encourages them to know they are loved unconditionally.
Then sit back and enjoy the look of love.
Everything looks different when we look through the eyes of love.
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
What I found so refreshing about this particular episode was how we choose to look at the world can make all the difference.
Mary found true pleasure in the crisp clean pictures of things she already had known. A flock of birds were exciting now. The color of the trees, the smile on her fathers face all seem to take her breath away.
Take a look around you today and see things you have always seen in a new light.
With gratefulness. The sun that warms your face. The breeze that might cause you to take an extra long breath.
Or the look of heart break in your child's eyes when they know they let you down. Take that moment to give grace.
Give them the same opportunity as Mary had before and after her glasses to see you in a new way.
One that encourages them to know they are loved unconditionally.
Then sit back and enjoy the look of love.
Everything looks different when we look through the eyes of love.
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Life in the day of a five year old.
So while driving my husband to the train station I was privileged to sit in on a conversation he was having with our five year old. Here's how it went.
"So Brookelynn you didn't tell me how school was today." Scott
"Oh sorry"Brookelynn
"Are you learning anything?"Scott
" Um............ Not much." Brookelynn
Laughter.........Mom and Dad
"Oh wait the color of the week is Green, Daddy"Brookelynn
Brookelynn now breaks into a song she has learned at school.
If we could only all take life with such stride maybe then we would be less likely to lose our cool.
"So Brookelynn you didn't tell me how school was today." Scott
"Oh sorry"Brookelynn
"Are you learning anything?"Scott
" Um............ Not much." Brookelynn
Laughter.........Mom and Dad
"Oh wait the color of the week is Green, Daddy"Brookelynn
Brookelynn now breaks into a song she has learned at school.
If we could only all take life with such stride maybe then we would be less likely to lose our cool.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Why buy good enough when you can have the best?
I don't consider myself to be one of those people who just love to read. But I have decided to become one of those people for the sake of my son. And by choosing to read I have found that I truly appreciate reading. You gain so much from a good book. A great article. A funny story. Someones writing can truly inspire you to change what you thought was good enough to be even better.
The things that I have been reading lately have all had one common theme in them.
Why have we settled for mediocrity?
To understand this first you have to know what mediocrity is.
According to Webster: Mediocrity/mediocre: of only ordinary or moderate quality, barely adequate.
How sad is that? To think so many in society are buying into that definition. They're even selling it to our kids in so many different ways. Labeling some of them as " they're not a natural athlete" "He's just not a great reader"
How many of us have said that at one time another to one of our kids or about a friend. I know I am guilty of it. Just look how I started this blog regarding my own state of mind on reading.
We don't give up on our children when it comes to them learning how to walk or potty train. I don't know to many of us who said "well they're just not the potty training type"
So why is it that we let mediocrity take hold of us when we get older? When life gets harder.
Or does life really get harder or are we just constantly buying into mediocrity?
I believe that I was created by an amazing God. And that nothing He has done or will ever do is of moderate quality or barely adequate.
So I choose to not live a life of ordinary. I choose to not pass on a life barely adequate. I chose to pass on the power, the strength that I get from a most worthy God. I will choose to rise above what this world calls good enough. And give my children the wisdom to know that they are created by One who can and will cause them to rise above the labels of life. It wont be the easy road. It will be the road less traveled. And hopefully the one most sought after.
The things that I have been reading lately have all had one common theme in them.
Why have we settled for mediocrity?
To understand this first you have to know what mediocrity is.
According to Webster: Mediocrity/mediocre: of only ordinary or moderate quality, barely adequate.
How sad is that? To think so many in society are buying into that definition. They're even selling it to our kids in so many different ways. Labeling some of them as " they're not a natural athlete" "He's just not a great reader"
How many of us have said that at one time another to one of our kids or about a friend. I know I am guilty of it. Just look how I started this blog regarding my own state of mind on reading.
We don't give up on our children when it comes to them learning how to walk or potty train. I don't know to many of us who said "well they're just not the potty training type"
So why is it that we let mediocrity take hold of us when we get older? When life gets harder.
Or does life really get harder or are we just constantly buying into mediocrity?
I believe that I was created by an amazing God. And that nothing He has done or will ever do is of moderate quality or barely adequate.
So I choose to not live a life of ordinary. I choose to not pass on a life barely adequate. I chose to pass on the power, the strength that I get from a most worthy God. I will choose to rise above what this world calls good enough. And give my children the wisdom to know that they are created by One who can and will cause them to rise above the labels of life. It wont be the easy road. It will be the road less traveled. And hopefully the one most sought after.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Happy, happy, Joy, joy!
Joy: -a feeling or state of great delight or happiness; causing or bringing joy. That is the definition given by the great book of Webster.
Listening to worship music. Spending time with the Lord. Praying. Reading.
A great cup of coffee. Lunch with an old friend. A good book. Time with someone special.
The laughter of my children. And of course any episode of I love Lucy. That is my definition of joy today.
Have fun finding your joy for today.
Listening to worship music. Spending time with the Lord. Praying. Reading.
A great cup of coffee. Lunch with an old friend. A good book. Time with someone special.
The laughter of my children. And of course any episode of I love Lucy. That is my definition of joy today.
Have fun finding your joy for today.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
From Lucy with love.
Lucy: I drew in an extra hour at the bottom of the chart.
Ethel: Where did you get the extra hour?
Lucy: From the next day.
Ethel: From the next day?
Lucy: Yeah. It'll work out fine until the end of the year, and then I'll be two weeks short.
Dont look for the extra hour just work with what you have and enjoy it .....
Ethel: Where did you get the extra hour?
Lucy: From the next day.
Ethel: From the next day?
Lucy: Yeah. It'll work out fine until the end of the year, and then I'll be two weeks short.
Dont look for the extra hour just work with what you have and enjoy it .....
Go make a splash!
When your day comes to an end and all is quiet in the house do you count it a successful day and simply close your eyes?
Or do you spend hours trying to take back the things that have been done or said.
I do both.
There are those days where I walk through each of the children's room and let out a sigh of relief that they are asleep and all went well.
Then there are the days when I feel I failed. At what I'm not sure, but just that the day seemed to have slipped away from what it could have been.
But I have to remind myself that what I may count as a successful day is not the same as what the Lord and even my kids count as successful.
The extra long back scratch, that favorite book read twice, a smile, the simplest of gestures from a heart that loves is success. Its not all the stuff we do its how we do it that makes the biggest splash in the lives of those we love and meet along the way.
Or do you spend hours trying to take back the things that have been done or said.
I do both.
There are those days where I walk through each of the children's room and let out a sigh of relief that they are asleep and all went well.
Then there are the days when I feel I failed. At what I'm not sure, but just that the day seemed to have slipped away from what it could have been.
But I have to remind myself that what I may count as a successful day is not the same as what the Lord and even my kids count as successful.
The extra long back scratch, that favorite book read twice, a smile, the simplest of gestures from a heart that loves is success. Its not all the stuff we do its how we do it that makes the biggest splash in the lives of those we love and meet along the way.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Ode to a childs day
Im sitting here watching two of my four children play frisbee by themselves. Let me give you a visual. Ryan is throwing a frisbee and Brookelynn is throwing a frisbee but not to each other just in the air for themselves. I have sat here for at least fifteen minutes wondering if they might ever think to play together. I guess that is fun defined by children.
As for Luke well he is lamenting over the fact that he can not find his Ipod and has homework to do. What can I say a day in the life of a child is no fun or lots of fun indeed. It's all how you look at it.
As for Luke well he is lamenting over the fact that he can not find his Ipod and has homework to do. What can I say a day in the life of a child is no fun or lots of fun indeed. It's all how you look at it.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Six years ago I awoke for the day to send Luke and Leandra to school. I saw what most of us in the world saw, something that was so horrific that all I could do was sit there and hold my kids with my mouth open in such disbelief. I even found myself watching the footage over and over again, I didn't want to but yet somehow I guess I just hoped that this was not happening.
But as we all know Sept. 11Th 2001 did happen. In my opinion it happened with such vengeance and such rage that I still find myself dwelling on that day, not just today but other days as well. I can watch my children and think someone',s mom,dad,aunt,uncle,brother,sister and so on wont get the chance to see what I'm seeing: they wont come home to a home cooked meal, go to "back to school nights" or just tuck someone into bed EVER.
I don't reflect on this tragic day to be somber, but to remember that I am not promised tomorrow. I have been given today so what am I going to do with that? Will I choose to serve, to say I'm sorry, to go the extra mile.
"After this Jesus went and prayed, 'Father, the time has come Glorify your son,that your son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him" John 17;1-2
This is the extra mile. This is the life that I choose- to ask that I may have the chance to glorify the Father.
May the lives of those changed by 9/11 get the chance to live for Jesus.
But as we all know Sept. 11Th 2001 did happen. In my opinion it happened with such vengeance and such rage that I still find myself dwelling on that day, not just today but other days as well. I can watch my children and think someone',s mom,dad,aunt,uncle,brother,sister and so on wont get the chance to see what I'm seeing: they wont come home to a home cooked meal, go to "back to school nights" or just tuck someone into bed EVER.
I don't reflect on this tragic day to be somber, but to remember that I am not promised tomorrow. I have been given today so what am I going to do with that? Will I choose to serve, to say I'm sorry, to go the extra mile.
"After this Jesus went and prayed, 'Father, the time has come Glorify your son,that your son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him" John 17;1-2
This is the extra mile. This is the life that I choose- to ask that I may have the chance to glorify the Father.
May the lives of those changed by 9/11 get the chance to live for Jesus.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
At what cost are we willing to pay?
As I sat watching a show called "I caught" about things caught on the Internet and early in the morning I was listening to the "View" and one of their hosts talked about taking "You Tube" dates with her husband. She stated that they love to watch all the funny bloopers from weddings or pranks. So before the day was done I tried it, I tried to watch You tube and then watched that show "I caught". You know what, I don't get it. I don't get why people plaster themselves and family members across the Internet where anyone and everything can be done. Where rules and boundaries seem to be non existent. Where the depravity of man comes through loud and clear. And the worse part is when something does go wrong or things that are posted are used for the wrong reasons the people who posted act so surprised and offend that it happen. Man is depraved we live in a selfish sinful world. We can not utilize the things of this life time with such reckless behavior and then throw our hands up with no responsibility for what has happen. We have a responsibility to take care of what we have. We need to protect the purity of what is true and right. Or better said like this Philippians4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. Think about the impact we would have on those we come in contact with if our minds and hearts were filled with those such things as mentioned in Philippians. The depravity of man will continue on but lets just try not to fuel the fire anymore.
Friday, August 31, 2007
What's in a Quote?
OK so even though my daughter is 18 and considered a legal adult its good to know that she is still a kid at heart. See she was offered a place to live right near college. We were so thrilled. She is now living with a friend from high school and her friends grandmother. She gets her own room that has a beautiful window and a wonderful bookshelf filled with all kinds of fabulous books. In fact the house has many books. Leandra was was thrilled to pieces about all the books so much so that she transformed right before me from college student to little girl by stating " Its like being Belle living in the Beast castle" ( from the movie Beauty and the Beast) Words that brought great joy to this mothers heart.
Alright on to the second quote this one is from Brookelynn. Everyone keeps asking "How do you like kindergarten?, do you like your teacher? What did you learn today ?"Well come to find out Brookelynn is so tired after school that she has very little to say about anything. So when we ran into a friend of mine yesterday and she asked the questions Brookelynn had an answer to one of them...when asked "did you learn anything today?" She answered with a very sure answer of " Nothing,, nothing I can remember"to which both myself and my friend just had to laugh. So here's to kids and what comes out of their mouths.....Oh and to us to remember to watch what we say...because you just never know who could be listening...
Alright on to the second quote this one is from Brookelynn. Everyone keeps asking "How do you like kindergarten?, do you like your teacher? What did you learn today ?"Well come to find out Brookelynn is so tired after school that she has very little to say about anything. So when we ran into a friend of mine yesterday and she asked the questions Brookelynn had an answer to one of them...when asked "did you learn anything today?" She answered with a very sure answer of " Nothing,, nothing I can remember"to which both myself and my friend just had to laugh. So here's to kids and what comes out of their mouths.....Oh and to us to remember to watch what we say...because you just never know who could be listening...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Nothing is ever dull around here
OK so as life would have it in this house there is never a dull moment.
When I picked up a certain 4Th grader who shall at this time remain nameless because I still don't have full permission to speak directly about the young lad...Hey you like that we will just call him the young lad. So anyways I digress that's probably from all the puke fumes running through my house. Yep you guessed it the young lad arrived home shortly after 3:30 and began the puke brigade. Oh happy day.... what a happy day. Well its just a matter of time now before the rest of the motley crew come down with the same involuntary muscle spasms. Oh wait what is this I hear in the distant the sound of muscles spasming... wish us well...
When I picked up a certain 4Th grader who shall at this time remain nameless because I still don't have full permission to speak directly about the young lad...Hey you like that we will just call him the young lad. So anyways I digress that's probably from all the puke fumes running through my house. Yep you guessed it the young lad arrived home shortly after 3:30 and began the puke brigade. Oh happy day.... what a happy day. Well its just a matter of time now before the rest of the motley crew come down with the same involuntary muscle spasms. Oh wait what is this I hear in the distant the sound of muscles spasming... wish us well...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
How to be extraordianry......
Here's to being extraordinary.... When I looked up the word in the dictionary the meaning of extraordinary is this...being beyond what is usual, exceptional, noteworthy, remarkable.
I also as of late came across a verse in the bible which states.."As the mountains surround Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds his people from this time forth and forevermore"psalm125:2 This statement has been so evident to me this week. I have had so many of you call and write asking me if I was OK. I have had breakfast with a friend I have been encouraged, I have shared stories, laughed and cried with some of you. For me this week of first has been extraordinary....not only did we started college and Jr. high we started kindergarten... (I would also say that we started fourth grade but I don't have permission to speak of such an event) So with that know that kindergarten has been good and so as you know who in you know what grade...
So how do we attain being extraordinary, we call and tell someone we care, share a smile or a hug at just the right time, give time that isn't spent on us but instead on someone else, laugh, love. Extraordinary is going beyond what is usual beyond what is for us but making it for someone else. Thank you to all my noteworthy friends........I have been surrounded......
I also as of late came across a verse in the bible which states.."As the mountains surround Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds his people from this time forth and forevermore"psalm125:2 This statement has been so evident to me this week. I have had so many of you call and write asking me if I was OK. I have had breakfast with a friend I have been encouraged, I have shared stories, laughed and cried with some of you. For me this week of first has been extraordinary....not only did we started college and Jr. high we started kindergarten... (I would also say that we started fourth grade but I don't have permission to speak of such an event) So with that know that kindergarten has been good and so as you know who in you know what grade...
So how do we attain being extraordinary, we call and tell someone we care, share a smile or a hug at just the right time, give time that isn't spent on us but instead on someone else, laugh, love. Extraordinary is going beyond what is usual beyond what is for us but making it for someone else. Thank you to all my noteworthy friends........I have been surrounded......
Monday, August 20, 2007
First day of everything
At some point in the weeks to come all of us who have school aged children will be sending them off again and some for the first time, to that wonderful institute called school. Last night we said goodbye to Leandra although she was just driving to Glendale to stay over with my mom. This morning she stepped out into the big world of college. Realizing that her days are forever different from this day to the next. We sat on my bed last night and she cried telling me "that this was harder then she realized, not being able to see her usual suspects(otherwise known as her friends)on a daily basis. I tried to comfort her and encourage her that although high school holds a great place(yet slightly demented) for all of us I shared that the years of kindergarten through senior year are formative for who she will become but now is where she will define who is she is going to be. I know that her footsteps through life will be held by what God has in store for her. Here's to you Tinkerbell 1Tim 4;12 Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
But as it goes in my house not all things happen just one at a time so for another first Luke went off to Jr. High this morning. He is our strong but truly sensitive guy so Jr. high will make or break him and I believe it will make him while it breaks me..... I never thought it but I got all choked up this morning as he drove off with his best friend. So has I can reflected and looked forward to what Leandra will share for her first day I write emphatically for therapy for how and what Luke's day will hold for him. I know without doubt and write with complete joy that God has been at work this summer with Luke because for the first time since kindergarten Luke was looking forward to starting school. The unknown which usually grips Luke with fear had him excited and slightly anxious for the first day. So here's to you "cool hand" Mt.5:16 In the same way , let your light shine before man, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.
To all veterans and especially to all you first timers how then do we keep up the good fight for raising our children, letting them go, building their confidence yet keeping them grounded(and for some literally grounded)instilling what we all so hope is success for their futures, we call each other, we share stories for the newbies, we hold hands, maybe even cry but most importantly we pray and keep up the faith for our children. And if any of your households are like mine you always remember to laugh......
But as it goes in my house not all things happen just one at a time so for another first Luke went off to Jr. High this morning. He is our strong but truly sensitive guy so Jr. high will make or break him and I believe it will make him while it breaks me..... I never thought it but I got all choked up this morning as he drove off with his best friend. So has I can reflected and looked forward to what Leandra will share for her first day I write emphatically for therapy for how and what Luke's day will hold for him. I know without doubt and write with complete joy that God has been at work this summer with Luke because for the first time since kindergarten Luke was looking forward to starting school. The unknown which usually grips Luke with fear had him excited and slightly anxious for the first day. So here's to you "cool hand" Mt.5:16 In the same way , let your light shine before man, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.
To all veterans and especially to all you first timers how then do we keep up the good fight for raising our children, letting them go, building their confidence yet keeping them grounded(and for some literally grounded)instilling what we all so hope is success for their futures, we call each other, we share stories for the newbies, we hold hands, maybe even cry but most importantly we pray and keep up the faith for our children. And if any of your households are like mine you always remember to laugh......
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
A trial is not just a trial
As of lately I have come to find great solace in the book of James 1:2-4
We are to consider it pure joy when we face trials of various kinds. Most of us would rather find an easy way to maturity in Christ because lets face it as life has it we have enough going on without having to face trials. But what if we didn't face the trials would we really be able to consider it pure joy ;things of this life that we go through daily. Maybe. But for me as a mother of four I have learned to welcome the trials because they lend themselves to opportunities to share the love of the Lord with my children. I am able to live out my faith. Sometimes are harder then others but all the while learning to consider it pure joy when I face trials of various kinds. I can't think of anything better. OK that's not all true I could think of things better but where would they get me how would they affect my family and would I really be any better off. Probably not, so for now I will go with what the Lord is revealing to me through His word and will go with the fact that three of the four kids that I have are in for serious trials right about now....because door slamming is just not OK... lol
We are to consider it pure joy when we face trials of various kinds. Most of us would rather find an easy way to maturity in Christ because lets face it as life has it we have enough going on without having to face trials. But what if we didn't face the trials would we really be able to consider it pure joy ;things of this life that we go through daily. Maybe. But for me as a mother of four I have learned to welcome the trials because they lend themselves to opportunities to share the love of the Lord with my children. I am able to live out my faith. Sometimes are harder then others but all the while learning to consider it pure joy when I face trials of various kinds. I can't think of anything better. OK that's not all true I could think of things better but where would they get me how would they affect my family and would I really be any better off. Probably not, so for now I will go with what the Lord is revealing to me through His word and will go with the fact that three of the four kids that I have are in for serious trials right about now....because door slamming is just not OK... lol
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I want to be somebody new!
We can all say that we have wished at times to be someone different or be somewhere different. But what would I really do if I was someone different or somewhere different? The what ifs of the world can do some real damage. We were created by the Lord for His purpose so who am I to question being someone else or somewhere else. When really if I truly surrender daily my life my thoughts my ways to Gods ways I would be someone else I could truly go somewhere else. By God's design I can be transformed from who I am and I can go where He sends me. So for today I choose to go where God will send me and I will choose to follow His ways. I pray that I make a difference today for the sake of the kingdom for the sake of the children that the Lord has in trusted me with and I will keep the eyes of my heart open to what He may wish for me to see and serve Him in today. May you be blessed by what God is doing already in your life only today I pray that you recognize it and thank Him.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
mama said there would be days like this
When I think that I just cant go on .... I get so lost in this thing called motherhood. It is by far the hardest task I have ever been given. I phrase it like that because I feel a job you apply for and can truly quit whenever you feel like. But being a mom well I desired to have children but it was God's design that allowed these children into my life, so therefor I feel it is the task that I have been given and as long as I am given today I need to continue the task to the best of my ability.
Having said all that today I have struggled with my task. I have given into my own tiredness and responded to my children with such harsh reaction. It seems that there are days when I can be so off and still surrender myself to what the Lord is asking of me for the sake of His children. but other days I just get so lost in selfishness that my response is purely my own strengths and it shows.
Thankfully I have learned over the years that despite these days I have hope. I can make the choice to call out to Jesus and ask for forgiveness and then in turn ask my children for forgiveness. I can only strive for being authentic with my children and others in my life. I am only human but I choose to live a life for Christ and with that comes the responsibility to often times humble myself and be real. I have never nor will I ever begin to think that I have all the answers but I will always choose to live a life that I hope will one day be deserving of the Lord to say well done...
In his and hands and grace.
Having said all that today I have struggled with my task. I have given into my own tiredness and responded to my children with such harsh reaction. It seems that there are days when I can be so off and still surrender myself to what the Lord is asking of me for the sake of His children. but other days I just get so lost in selfishness that my response is purely my own strengths and it shows.
Thankfully I have learned over the years that despite these days I have hope. I can make the choice to call out to Jesus and ask for forgiveness and then in turn ask my children for forgiveness. I can only strive for being authentic with my children and others in my life. I am only human but I choose to live a life for Christ and with that comes the responsibility to often times humble myself and be real. I have never nor will I ever begin to think that I have all the answers but I will always choose to live a life that I hope will one day be deserving of the Lord to say well done...
In his and hands and grace.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
another day in our house
Well as days go in the house there is never a dull moment.... yesterday my oldest son who had saved his money was able to spend it finally. He and our friends went to magic mtn. But the day ended a little early for my son. He somehow managed to mangle his face with a rail in line of one of the rides. He took out two teeth with significant chips and then planted the newly mangled teeth into his bottom lip which was worthy of two stitches. So for day we will spend most of our day at the dentist in hopes to salvage his teeth. ..... Meanwhile my younger two who are five and nine. Missed out on their swim practice and since my nine year old was already sore from not being able to go to magic mtn,. now having to take care of his older brother; he let into one of those oscar worthy sagas of how unloved he is and how unfair this day has been and he might as well throw himself on the ground and get hurt so that he can have someone show him he is loved.....
Being a mom gives way to so many avenues of expertise that I never new exsisted.... Not to mention on top of all that being a wife before all the mommy parts too. How then do we not lose our heads during a day inlife of wife and mother....
I lift up my eyes to the hills-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of
heaven and earth.
Being a mom gives way to so many avenues of expertise that I never new exsisted.... Not to mention on top of all that being a wife before all the mommy parts too. How then do we not lose our heads during a day inlife of wife and mother....
I lift up my eyes to the hills-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of
heaven and earth.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
So having never blogged before this is a first. Im just going to use this as a starting place for writting my thoughts for the day and life of a married mother of four. And as life goes today I had to make a tough choice and let my one son go to magic mtn. and not the other. My oldest son had saved his money to buy a pass so he was allowed to go. My younger son had no money and neither did I . so thats how the decision was made.
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