Thursday, May 22, 2008

Loss and life.

How do we explain loss and pain and tragedy to our children?

This morning I read an article about Steven Curtis Chapman and how his little girl was killed by a tragic accident and without realizing it I had gasped out loud.

Which lead to my youngest asking "What Mommy what happen?" I had to give a short answer to her question but yet all the same it was enough to change her today.

Then on the way to school we saw a dead cat, which pales in comparison to a loss of a child but none the less holds pain.

Then I read about the growing number of deaths in China, and the inhumane behavior in Myanmar. There is pain and loss all around us.

Do we spare our children from it or do we share and let them in to the depravity of the world?

Somethings are not meant for young hearts to learn yet. It's the lesson of protecting the innocent from things that are not in there realm to fix or take on.

So then where do I go with the sadness that has filled my young ones heart.

She said to me as we left the car to walk to her class " Mommy why did I have to hear all this dying this morning?"

I gave her a hug and a kiss and told I would do my best to look for the answer while she was at school.

My thoughts have raced all over the place with this one because honestly I can not imagine losing a child much less the way in which the Chapman families occurred.

Death and pain demand so much of our attention that at least for me I don't care to give it.

But it's there it's real and we all go through it.

So what will I say this afternoon, I'm not sure.

"Be very careful, then, how you live- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16

Original post date5/22/08

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