Friday, May 9, 2008

The greatness of God!

The greatness of God! How would you or could you ever describe it. I was reading a blog that I frequent and then also in my bible and I found some amazing verses that give ample descriptions into the greatness of God. Not that I don’t think that the bible throughout is full of God’s greatness. It is just sometimes I can come across a verse or a new book or in this case a blog entry and be inspired and excited to share more of God and His greatness.
In the book of Job we read about so much heartache and tragedy the Job goes through, but we also learn how he responds to all of it. Job maintains his integrity throughout.
In chapter 5 verse 9-10 Job writes about rain and places it in the category of miracles.
It is rain, what’s the big deal. Well in this blog entry I read the writer breaks down truly the making of rain and all that in tales before it is actually released and made to rain. Here is a little bit from that blog entry.

(Water will come out of the clear blue sky? Well, not exactly. Water will have to be carried in the sky from the Mediterranean Sea, over several hundred miles and then be poured out from the sky onto the fields. Carried? How much does it weigh? Well, if one inch of rain falls on one square mile of farmland during the night, that would be 27,878,400 cubic feet of water, which is 206,300,160 gallons, which is ,650,501,280 pounds of water. That's heavy. So how does it get up in the sky and stay up there if it's so heavy? Well, it gets up there by evaporation. Really? That's a nice word. What's it mean? It means that the water sort of stops being water for a while so it can go up and not down. I see. Then how does it get down? Well, condensation happens. What's that? The water starts becoming water again by gathering around little dust particles between .00001 and .0001 centimeters wide. That's small. What about the salt? Salt? Yes, the Mediterranean Sea is salt water. That would kill the crops. What about the salt? Well, the salt has to be taken out. Oh. So the sky picks up a billion pounds of water from the sea and takes out the salt and then carries it for three hundred miles and then dumps it on the farm? Well it doesn't dump it. If it dumped a billion pounds of water on the farm, the wheat would be crushed. So the sky dribbles the billion pounds water down in little drops. And they have to be big enough to fall for one mile or so without evaporating, and small enough to keep from crushing the wheat stalks. How do all these microscopic specks of water that weigh a billion pounds get heavy enough to fall (if that's the way to ask the question)? Well, it's called coalescence. What's that? It means the specks of water start bumping into each other and join up and get bigger. And when they are big enough, they fall. Just like that? Well, not exactly, because they would just bounce off each other instead of joining up, if there were no electric field present. )

See what I mean something’s we see as just rain but really they are so much more then just rain. Next time it rains stand outside and watch a miracle happen.

1 comment:

Sonja Barrett said...

Hey Ebeth! I just stumbled upon your blog. I can't believe how many years its been since I've seen you guys. A LOT has changed. And seriously, your kids are so old, what happened??

Bless you, Sonja (from RVCC) :o)