Wednesday, October 17, 2007

See the world with new eyes.

I was sitting here watching the old T.V. show Little House on the Prairie. As it came on the oldest daughter Mary was being fitted for a pair of glasses. Through the art of television they showed here vision before the glasses and then after.
What I found so refreshing about this particular episode was how we choose to look at the world can make all the difference.
Mary found true pleasure in the crisp clean pictures of things she already had known. A flock of birds were exciting now. The color of the trees, the smile on her fathers face all seem to take her breath away.
Take a look around you today and see things you have always seen in a new light.
With gratefulness. The sun that warms your face. The breeze that might cause you to take an extra long breath.
Or the look of heart break in your child's eyes when they know they let you down. Take that moment to give grace.
Give them the same opportunity as Mary had before and after her glasses to see you in a new way.
One that encourages them to know they are loved unconditionally.
Then sit back and enjoy the look of love.
Everything looks different when we look through the eyes of love.

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.

1 comment:

Jackie! said...

almost made me cry... miss you.. love your thoughts. =)