Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I want to be somebody new!

We can all say that we have wished at times to be someone different or be somewhere different. But what would I really do if I was someone different or somewhere different? The what ifs of the world can do some real damage. We were created by the Lord for His purpose so who am I to question being someone else or somewhere else. When really if I truly surrender daily my life my thoughts my ways to Gods ways I would be someone else I could truly go somewhere else. By God's design I can be transformed from who I am and I can go where He sends me. So for today I choose to go where God will send me and I will choose to follow His ways. I pray that I make a difference today for the sake of the kingdom for the sake of the children that the Lord has in trusted me with and I will keep the eyes of my heart open to what He may wish for me to see and serve Him in today. May you be blessed by what God is doing already in your life only today I pray that you recognize it and thank Him.

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